Thursday, June 22

Can you guess this movie?

So I was walking through the living room to clean up the dishes when I overhear the kids' t.v. show announce that they are going to experiment to find out which type of homemade water filter would be the most helpful if you were stranded on a deserted island. And of course, I had to stop. Because you know what? If I were ever stranded on a deserted island, I wouldn't have a clue how to filter water for drinking! And since you never know when you might be deserted on a remote island....I had to stop and watch.

The scary thing is, I honestly thought it through and decided to postpone housecleaning "just in case".....

Dy, I have no idea how you guessed it with Overboard, but you are awesome! Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Blue Lagoon! Although, I never understood the ending. Are they dead because they ate the berries? Or are the just sleeping? Because, supposedly the baby ate the berries and they thought he was dead, but he was really alive, because at the end of the movie, the guys on the boat find them and the baby is crying. At least I think he was crying. I forget, maybe he was sleeping too. Please help me with this one.

Jenn said...

You're scary with your movie memory. You were what, 6, when you last saw that movie?!? I'd forgotten that there were any berries in the movie. I vaguely remember an old guy, an idol, a hurt foot, and a steamy sex scene. Oh, and coconut to the head! I'd forgotten that one! Yeah, I think they all live. I prefer to think that than to watch the movie over again.

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