Wednesday, October 25


In order from front to back:

* A get-well-soon card to a friend who was sick 2 months ago.

* A Thank You card for a birthday present a month and a half ago.

* An invitation to said birthday.

Anyone else this lame?

* Andie, I got your card! Too funny. I have that mask! Queen Helene's Mint Julep. My awesome sister gave it to me.
* Chris blogged.


Jennie C. said...

Yes, I am that lame, too. Maybe more so. I have the cards, but you got around to signing and addressing them!

Anonymous said...

Ha! I sent our neice a bday card (on time!) for her 15th birthday Oct. 11th. I've had the card since her 13th bday. I misplaced it, gave her another that year, thinking I'd use it for 14...forgot I had it, bought another. I was SO happy to pull that card out and mail it this year.

Anonymous said...

Well the cards look really cute in that pretty basket.

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