Wednesday, December 27


I've been playing with different blogger hacks and accidentally deleted all of my links. I don't even remember what was up there. So I'm adding stuff in slowly..... You'll notice I've apparently been stalking some of you fellow bloggers. Especially since the "midnight" nights have been occuring nearly every night for the past month. Some of those on the midnight list would be read much more often if they were updated more. But that's okay, because I don't have the time! Actually, a lot of those on the list were re-discovered through this deleting-mess. I had so many saved in my favorites that I had forgotten what all was in there. I was trying to go 3 column, and succeeded, but couldn't link with technorati with my new layout. So I went back to my original template and discovered that I'd lost my links. I still want to go 3-column, but I don't want to lose my links. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd LOVE to hear them.

1 comment:

Christy said...

No ideas, but I understand. I have deleted some stuff too.. so frustrating!


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