Sunday, January 21

I'm such an original

*oops - I forgot to mention that I stole this from Andie. See? Original.
LogoThere are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

It turns out, my last name is even more popular than my first name. My first name is Jennifer! The most popular name in the English language! Now my last name, too? I'm apparently uncommonly common.


Jennifer in MS said...

Hey Jenn,
This is a neat thing! I hope you don't mind that I used this on my blog too! There's "only" 335 with my name! It doesn't help that our names are "Jennifer"! LOL

Jenni said...

Okay, there are 1,397,854 people in the U.S. named Jennifer. There are 8,789 people with my last name. There are 41 people with the first name Jennifer *and* my last name. There are 154 people with the first name of Jennifer and my maiden name since it is a more common surname.

Jenni, which is what I've gone by since 8th grade, is less common than Jennifer with only 5,999 people sharing that name. There are no Jenni(insert married name)s and only 1 Jenni (insert maiden name). They must be going off of what's on birth certificates or social security forms.

Now get this. 99.9% of the people named Jenni are female. (There was no such factoid for Jennifer.) Man do I feel sorry for Mr. .1%! At least he/they can't complain that their name is completely unoriginal like I can.

Jennie C. said...

I've got you beat, and my name is Jennifer, too! 1580 people have my name. One of them lives here. She sometimes gets my prescriptions at the hospital. When we lived in Germany, someone with my name often took my orders from JCPenny, so I had to get all my mail in my husband's name. I also have a local doppleganger who may or may not be the same person, because people who shouldn't recognize me. Apparently, I take anger management classes. I was thinking of signing up just to find out who she is.

Jenn said...

That is hilarious!

What is even funnier? That 3 Jennifers have responded to a post written by a Jennifer! I love it.

Anonymous said...

My whole life - Jennifers, Jennifers, Jennifers. Jenny/Jenni/Jennie/Jen/Jenn and even a Genufer (4th grade, not kidding).

I've always felt so left out.

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