I know, I know....no one really wants to lend an ear. But it makes me smile to imagine the mood music playing while you read my nonsense blatherings. The music is playing in my head while I type and it all just seems to go together. For the full effect, feel free to click on the music before scrolling down for the picture of the day :D
Now I'm going to take a moment to brag on some awesome people.
#1. y'all for listening to me whine. I'd have scrolled to another page very quickly.
#2. My oldest. This morning, he played with his sisters and let his pathetic parents sleep in. I vacillated back and forth between 'thank you God for giving me such an awesome boy' and 'forgive me Lord for being such a slacker mom!'
After an hour and a half of tolerating the girls' whining, he finally wandered in and said to us "Um, guys....did you realize it's 9:00?" Chris said "I know, I know...but we haven't had any sleep for Three Nights!" Three nights? Ha! Try three YEARS, buddy! (oops - forgive me - I seem to be having a lot of tourette-like outbursts lately)
#3. Our great neighbor. When she heard that 3 out of 6 had come down with it (eldest bit it this afternoon,) she sent over a sick kid care package. How sweet is that?
And now I'm going to take a moment to clear something up: I'm not a fun mom. I WANT to be a fun mom and I am making determined strides towards it, but I'm not there. Not by a long shot. When you read that I was giving them fun worksheets about groundhog day, you must not imagine me using my preschool teacher voice and saying "Woohoo, guys! Groundhog day is coming up! Let's do some fun worksheets!" Um, no. That's what I'm aiming for. Right now, I'm closer to "Guys, did you do your freakin' worksheets yet?"
That's not a direct quote, mom. honest.
Aww, ya linked me! Thanks:o)
I really love that you share that soundtrack in your head. It's nice to know I'm not the only one who thinks in 80s song lyrics, lol.
Oh, puhLEEEZEeee. You dressed up for Talk Like A Pirate Day. I yelled over my shoulder "Hey, it's talk like a pirate day, kids"
See the difference there? Fun Mom vs. No Fun Mom.
Ella's sick. Really sick. I'm taking a sanity /backache break right now and Matt's holding her. Poor sick kids.
I had a call on the caller ID today from your state and got all excited - it was a survey for John McCain, not you. But you know that. At least that it wasn't you. Hey have I mentioned I've been holding a sick baby all day and haven't had communication with anyone else? Can you tell? Did you notice? huh?
you are too funny. I am also not a very fun mom. I have about one fun day a month, then I am running and hiding from the inevitable questions... Will you play Barbies with me? Hide and Seek? My Little Pony? Tag?
You know how I feel about that word!
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