Thursday, November 20

I work well under pressure


Not really. But I work better under pressure than not.

I shared a while back that I had been chosen for the team for The Old Schoolhouse Magazine to review homeschool material. It has been even more amazing than I imagined. I truly thought it would mostly consist of eBooks and websites. Instead, it is an incredible list of products and services and I feel overwhelmingly blessed! And sometimes, just overwhelmed. At the moment, I have 19 reviews pending. I've completed 3. Just three. It's getting a bit panicky around here as I try to find a way to fit in all of these extra things.

So yes, you will see more and more reviews cropping up on here, but please read them. Pretty please. And please don't think I've "sold out" as my husband teases me. I'm happily sharing about things I enjoy (or hate) which is something I've done on this blog long before I was given products from vendors.

To add to my panic, I've scheduled an Open House party at my house tomorrow. My house is a disaster. I've not been home to clean it! We've been running around and things have been nutty. A dear friend volunteered to watch my kids tomorrow while I catch up on the house, so all will be well.

I had a brief moment of panic earlier when I learned we needed a substitute teacher for our homeschool group meeting. boys volunteered to teach their classes. Isn't that wild? You see, the assignment in my 56 Days adventure was to 'plan something spontaneous'. I needed to incorporate a website to review anyway, so I scheduled in a visit to for our homeschooling today. I honestly thought the boys would find it quite lame. But they LOVED it. I was floored. My two "too cool" boys were asking for more and more. And when we learned we needed to come up with a topic to teach at tomorrow's homeschool group meeting, my boys EAGERLY volunteered to teach their classes how to make puppets.

So, I'm off to do laundry. My class is taught and the rest of the house will be cleaned while the kids play with friends tomorrow. Ahhhh. The panic is off, with just enough pressure left to do a decent job tomorrow night.


Shanna said...

Is there really 19??...I don't think I have that many, but I'm afraid to count them!

I need to get back over to puppettools. I looked at the site once and it was very late...I just kept thinking...What is this?? I don't get it...Apparently, I'm not playful?

Thank you for your sweet message and we truly appreciate the prayers.

Christy said...

I hope the open house went well!!

Anonymous said...


I just want to applaud your free-wheeling spirit and the exercise of non-control. Whether your panic was the necessity of invention, I can't tell. But sometimes adults can't see what's happening or what they are supposed to do with Puppetools. You were free enough to hand that over to your boys who, in turn, were able to reveal that it's the kids who know what can be accomplished by engaging in play. It became their experience--creative, self-directed, and responsible. You made perfect use of Puppetools in a magical act of letting it just go. Thank you. I need more folks like you involved in advancing the value of play in learning.

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