Wednesday, January 21

Deep breath in........slow breath out.....

I'm feeling overwhelmed. I'm so lazy, I'm not even going to link you to websites tonight. I LOVE the TOS experience. Honest.

Okay, I've always wanted to try Sonlight. And I've always wanted to try Tapestry of Grace. Each follows the classical education we are pursuing and comes with a strong biblical stance. I have been blessed with the opportunity to sample both programs!.......but wait, each is a complete curriculum. Not just a quick history lesson. And both are happening at the same. time.

Also, I've been excitedly waiting for my boys to be old enough to read the Narnia series and enjoy it with me. The boys are ready now and a curriculum based on these books was made available for me to review....Further Up and Further In. I was excited to add a language arts program to our review mix.....only, no. It also is a complete curriculum. And there's the really involved chemistry program. And the really involved phonics program. And the Art program. And the color coded reading program. And the crappy plastic toy that came in the mail today. Gah! I'm drowning.

I'm terrified I'm going to forget something.

Wait - I mean I'm terrified I'm going to forget something ELSE - because I DID forget something. I somehow forgot to share a review of something I LOVED and meant to share before Christmas because every parent with a child aged 2-6 could enjoy this. But it got lost in the holiday shuffle. I'll share that later this week.....once I find the pictures and the post that I apparently never finished.

What a whiny baby post! I have wanted all of these programs and am very blessed! It's just that I wasn't wanting them all at the same time, ya know?

It's okay. I'll unleash my frustration in the review on this plastic boat. I sit down with my happy little list because it, well, it makes me happy. Once I see it all in order again, I'll be fine.

I just had to hyperventilate through the keyboard a little bit. Don't mind me.

1 comment:

Luke Holzmann said...


As the person responsible for selecting you for Sonlight... I'm sorry I added to the flood. I guess it means I'm not the only one who thought you'd be a great person to review products [smile].

Hang in there. Enjoy the journey. And relax in the flexibility homeschooling offers.

...umm... that's all I got.


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