You might remember that my youngest cries at the Y. Quite a bit of time has transpired since then and I had hoped perhaps she had outgrown it. Life has been crazy-full around here lately and I thought a workout would help me....it just feels good, ya know? My grandma joined me and walked on the treadmill while I hit the elliptical beside her. The boys were happy in the pool table room and I had dropped the girls off at the nursery without incident. "YES!" I thought. "She's over the separation anxiety!" About 5 minutes into my machine, a staff member tapped me on the shoulder and said "Um.....your little girl....um....the littlest one......"
I sighed. "She's crying, isn't she?"
"No....She sort of threw up."
I jumped off my machine to go rescue my baby. Apparently, she had cried and gagged on her own snot, causing her to toss her cookies.....no, not cookies, cauliflower soup.
I snuggled Sarah Grace and we went back to grandma. Honor was absorbed in a movie and didn't know I'd ever been in the same room. When I got back, Gramma was sweating and wanted to know how to stop the treadmill.
I left my grandma on a treadmill. I could have killed her!
It was on the lowest setting and I had introduced her to the gal on the other side of her, but I'm not sure she remembered that introduction. Lowest setting or not....those buttons can be intimidating and she couldn't just jump off.
We all bundled up and left. Gramma took a nice hot soak in the tub and says she's feeling fine.
But it gets worse.
I asked Honor, as I was tucking her in, if she had noticed Sarah crying at the Y. "Yes," she said, "And it was very hard to hear my movie with that noise."
(they'll know we are Christians by our love?)
"Honor, did you say anything to help your sissy when you knew she was sad?"
"Oh, yes!" she said, and I felt instant relief that my daughter did have a heart after all. "Yes, I did! I said to the nursery gal: 'Is there anything you can do to make her more quiet so I can hear?'"
We had a nice talk about loving one another and talked about things she could have said or done to show love to her sister. I am optimistic that she learned and absorbed. And I am quite pleased that I was able to keep my nekkid self out of the men's room, so all in all, it was not a bust.
I had to read this one out loud to my dh. He laughed! SCORE! ;) (He is very introverted...) Sorry he had to laugh at your pour baby tossing her... cauliflower soup... though :(
"causing her to toss her cookies.....no, not cookies, cauliflower soup."
Much better visual. Thanks for that one.
That settles it. I am not eating the leftover cauliflower soup. I was just wondering whether it was still good or not, but no need to wonder any longer. I'm going to toss it now, so, um, I don't have to *toss* it later.
Poor Sarah! Poor Gramma! And poor Jenn, too! She's not your first, so at least you know she'll get over it eventually;o) Gramma, well, you'd better give her a refresher course in finding the off switch before letting her back on the treadmill, LOL.
Now, who the heck are those guys in the first picture? I'm so confused. Thanks anyway for giving me something to sing besides "Funky Cold Medina" which I've been singing since dropping the kids off at school, that and "Come On Eileen". (BOB FM ya know.) Who needs an iPod? I've got my own crazy mix playing in my brain all the time.
Ah-ha! (Wasn't that another 80s band?) That album pictured at top *is* Journey, just pre-Steve Perry. The album came out in 1977 and Steve Perry joined the band later that year. So says Wikipedia anyway. I was only 6 at the time, so I cannot be held responsible for that information. That fro is really scary, btw.
I am sorry your workout was interrupted but LOL that is so funny
Sounds like you and the Y have a history....
Thanks for sharing
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