Tuesday, March 24

Upside Down

Have you read the news today? Weird, weird world. Politics aren't an area I feel confident speaking loudly about, but I think any idiot can feel pretty confident in saying, "WHAT?!?!?" lately.

The Chavez Obama administration is seeking to expand power, giving it the authority to seize companies. All for the greater good, of course.

A leading green advisor is warning the UK they need to cut their population from 61 million down to 30 million. How does that conversation go? "Yeah, yer gonna need to lose 'bout half the people ya got there." Why? Because they're NOT GOOD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT! This one has me grinning. Our oceans are ridiculously contaminated with mercury, sure, but those tiny tots are seriously becoming a problem. Perhaps it would seem more reasonable if it were worded a bit differently. "Cut" is in need of a euphemism. I'm not that green. I'm more of a browncoat myself. Lollipops if you know what I'm talking about.

And in Missouri news, I am apparently a terrorist. Careful! If you are a Christian, are against abortion, and even thought about voting for Ron Paul then you might just be one too. And since when did Republicans become third party candidates?

The boys have been studying the framing of the constitution and it has been interesting explaining the government established at the beginning of our great country. The many things the framers were afraid of have already occurred despite their careful attempts to prevent it. It has made for some interesting discussion.


Jessica said...

skinny?! ha! the baby in the sling is covering my enormous, flabby belly pooch. but at least i give the appearance of being skinny. rock on! :)

Christy said...

I was thinking the same thing about Jessica!!! SKINNY MINNY!!!!

Anyway, these topics make me very, very angry. So angry that I practically need medication because they have gone CRAZY.

I know that eventually our nation will fall apart, that we will lose our freedoms completely, that as christians we will be hunted and persecuted...I just never thought it would be possible in our children's lifetime.

Anonymous said...

So many people have accused me of being a terrorist. HA

That is a lovely warning. Maybe they should tell everyone to stop having sex. That would NOT go down well. It would be WAY more unpopular than if they.. say... started killing the babies!! :-p

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