Tuesday, April 21

It's noon and I'm still in my pajamas

And how is your life going today?


Jennie C. said...

Well, I'm not in my pajamas, but otherwise, not much better! Lack of laundry soap knocked me back a few hours. :-(

wedogmomma said...

It's 10:45 and we just finished breakfast...how's that?
I AM showered though ;)
...off to some structure!

Jessica said...

i wish i was still in my pajamas! luke was up a lot last night crying (darn those teeth!) so i'm a little on the tired side today. other than that i'm okay. :)

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

WOW, sounds good to me. I was in a dentist chair at noon today...trade ya!

Ginger said...

Thanks for keeping it real girlie! :)

Anonymous said...

And so you are like me and get a lot more done if you don't have to worry about stopping to change? ;)

Shanna said...

Well, I actually didn't get a shower until 4pm today and had to put my pajamas BACK ON because the one pair of jeans that still fit me were in the dryer. But alas, when I tried to put them on THEY HAD SHRUNK! Seriously, they fit 2 days ago...I know my belly is growing but I'm certain it was the dryer's fault this time.

Thanks for your sweet comments. And YES! I am SO relieved to have that review done!!

Josh said...

Any day in which you're still in your pajamas at noon is a good day. It's just like that.

Luke Holzmann said...

Well, I had to get dressed to come in to work... but I'm feeling great. Have a great PJ day! The beauty of homeschooling's flexibility in practice... [smile]


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