I learned to identify alto parts using this song. I remember making my poor sister suffer for an entire summer as I struggled to learn the 2nd part. I forced her to sing the melody over and over and over again. I had a total crush on the guitar player and fell in love with acoustic guitar.
Crazy, but now if I ran across a guy with long hair that he constantly flipped to and fro, showing off earings....I don't think "he's hot" would be my first thought.
Still love that music though.
Funny how things change. :) You crack me up.... I loved (love?) that song too. smile.
Oh, I love this song....that is really funny.:)
i like that song, too!
I used to think it was a really great song until I listed to the lyrics and realized that it was about convincing a his "love" to "give up" her "love" and not say .... bake him cookies or something! Creepy long haired guy! Then again, that's happened with a lot of songs from my childhood. (As a side note I was singing along to The Supremes' "Where Did Our Love Go" the other night, and I realized what I was singing! - Seriously, google the lyrics.) This isn't a rant about how these songs are evil or anything; I don't think that - just that I've been a little surprised at what can be hidden with pretty music, and catchy tunes - I'm not a poetry gal :) .
I remember when you liked this song :) . I also remember you playing "The Rose" on the piano a lot! AND I remember the three of us acting out the scene from Days of Our Lives where Hope "dies" in that big cage, on our bunk beds. Ah memories!
Man - I'm going to have to google the lyrics now. I always thought it was saying words aren't always enough. You can "say" i love you, but that doesn't mean you actually do. I thought it was saying put your money where your mouth is, let's see it in action.
So....user id...does that mean a blog is in the near future?
okay, I'm going to pretend those lyrics don't sound like he could be saying 'if you really love me, you'll have sex with me'. It never sounded like that before and I'm hoping I can listen to it in the future without hearing that - :D
Yes, I remember singing this song with you. But, Jennifer Kay is right. You made us sing the Rose all the time too. You got mad too. We would get tired, and you would get all bossy. That is when you were going through your "deep" phase. You would read constantly and be all aloof. Do you remember the bookmobile? Do you remember having to buy a book because you got it water logged when you read it in the shower? Weren't we all goofy back then? I love you.
If by "deep", you mean self-absorbed brat, then yes. I remember that phase. I pity all 14 year old girls. I've yet to meet a sane one. I remember yelling at you, Misty, for chewing your cereal too loudly.
And, for the record, the book was never in the shower. My bottom half was in the shower, the book was steamed to death. Books, actually. There were two. One was See Jane Run by Joy Fielding. The other, I believe, was a Kahlil Gibrand collection. You'd think I'd have learned after the first one. I'm haunted by them now.
HA!! I think I win the brat award, though... "The award goes to.... JENNIFER KAY, for spitting at Misty and it landing in her mouth!" Um, so I'm really sorry for that one, among others in general...
More Than Words was a sweet song to me too, until I was watching "I Love the 90's" on VH1 one day. Yeah, they spelled it out for me. Cut to me on the couch, mouth hanging open and a "Nuh UH ?!?!!" look on my face. :)
I think I have had this user id for a while... I've just never done anything about it. I probably will blog - it's just that the resort isn't giving us a break on wifi. $12 a day, I believe ... or is it $24? Either way, both are WAY too expensive. So I will have to find a nearby Starbucks or McD's or something.
That's outrageous! It's more like $24 a month 'round here. But we only have "aw, honey" yoga, so it's a trade-off. :D
Wow, Jenn, your friends are enlightening us! ;) I am totally kidding. I think I was the brattiest 14 year old ever. Kela is a close second ;) haha My mom just keeps laughing and saying, "She acts just like you!" hahahaa
This song used to me one of my faves too, because of the sweet harmony. But when I figured out the lyrics were more to the tune of "don't tell me you love me! drop your drawers" I got a little disgusted with it! I think I figured it out at work one night, while standing in the Mickey D's drive through with nothing to do but contemplate lyrics. haha I was mad. How can such a beautiful song have such a stinky message. grrr
I still like to listen to it, I just have to remind myself to dislike the lyrics ;)
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