Tuesday, April 28


There have been enough "epidemic" warnings through the years that I fail to get overly excited when another one hits the news. It doesn't hurt to be prepared for stuff though. This particular bug is a trifle worrisome in that it only seems to be affecting young, healthy adults rather than the weaker elderly and small children....similar to the 1918 Spanish Flu. The reason for this is a fancy term called Cytokine Storm. Basically, your defense mechanisms run rampant and get over-eager. Interestingly, it has been postulated that eczema could be a similar reaction....the body attacking itself in a zealous over-reaction. In case you were wondering about the swine flu episode, I thought I'd share a few links. But seriously, the symptoms are: MILD, FLU-LIKE symptoms with a short duration. There have been deaths in Mexico, but no one has yet been able to explain why the cases everywhere else have been so mild.

Map of outbreaks
Effective remedies
On preparedness
More on the cytokine storm
CDC updates

One last thought: if you had to catch it, it sounds like now would be the time to catch it. Epidemics tend to come in waves with the first wave being mild and the 2nd wave being....not mild. So I don't think wearing a mask and avoiding the mall are even remotely necessary.

Copyright © 2009


Anonymous said...

I agree.

Washing hands is always important. and I am not overly worried at this point.

Saying that though, I am always praying that my kids don't get sick and die. That is just one of my things. I have done it since I became pregnant at age 20 with my darling first born babe :)

I think the masks at this point are a bit silly.

Jenni said...

I wore a mask when I went into Wichita last Thursday, but it was only because I was cleaning my mom's house. Danged cat. A pig would be preferable to that fat furball.

Jessica said...

i agree.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Dad and I are convinced we have it. We haven't grown snouts or cute little curly tails but were entering the fifth week of this stuff and we a both still coughing up pieces of lung. I'll say it for you...UCK!!!!

Anonymous said...

Saw on TV today that the masks DON'T really work. They say the masks are effective for dust, etc. but not filtering a virus.

Michael McMullen said...

I'm gonna buy one of those suits that Dustin Hoffman wore in Outbreak. People will point and laugh at me, sure. But I won't be experiencing any mild discomfort or slight fever!

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