Thursday, May 11

New Definitions

Over on the kiddos' blog, I posted last night about our exciting weekend last Saturday, but I've been blogging a lot more than that in my head too. It really was a great day, but what the pictures don't show and what the kids will never remember is that it was freezing cold. Mom had zero sleep. Mom's contact ripped and she had to wear glasses and had zero peripheral vision giving her a constantly freaked-out expression. As the race was ending, it started raining. Mom got lost in the rain and nearly cried. Mom went the wrong way in a one-way. Mom did cry. The Buttercream Gang is cool for kids but lame for grown-ups.

But it was still an amazing day. If I didn't have kids and you asked me how my day went, I would have said it was a stinky day. Actually, I probably would have growled at you. But I do have kids and regardless of my frustration, discomfort, or was an incredible day because it was spent with them and enjoying them and their accomplishments. It was about them. For the first 20 years of our lives, it's all about us. Then we struggle with it being about a spouse too. Those are fun years :) And then kids. It is incredible. I am not less of a person. I am not less important than I was before kids. I am just more aware of how temporary my life is and how precious they are. They are the stars of the show.

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