Sunday, August 20

Some day I'll get to blog for real

I was all psyched up to get some quiet time last night and blog and read.....and then my 6 year old started having chest pains around his heart. ?!? Our wonderful neighbor is an EMT and he came over to check things out. It lasted about 15 minutes and then was gone. His dizziness stayed for about another hour. Our neighbor said that if it was cardiac related it wouldn't have gone away. google makes it sound like perhaps an anxiety attack. But he wasn't anxious or stressed about anything. Once I got Joel settled down (in my bed,) the 2 year old started complaining of her ear hurting. Honor kept crying in her sleep (in my bed,) and eventually started running a fever. Then the baby's nose got plugged up and she couldn't breathe and eat at the same time which got her good and grumpy and tossing and turning (in my bed.) Ethan, however slept just fine....snoring loud enough to rattle the windows....on the floor beside my bed. Chris got home from work around 1a.m. and asked "where am I supposed to sleep?" I was too tired to answer so he made a pallet at the foot of the bed and slept through the all night cacaphony of the wee ones. I didn't make it to church this morning.

I want to blog. Honest. Until then, I'll just plug other blogs. Here: watch something frightening and entertaining at Randi's blog. I had never heard of these people before. Their strange world where everyone wears overalls scares me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, DUH...he should have slept on the couch on the porch!

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