Tuesday, October 10

In which a strange man rubs my face with his nose

We went on a date! Last night, my mom came over and watched the kids while we went out to celebrate Columbus Day. (Chris is morally opposed to Valentine's Day and its over-commercialism so he adopted Columbus Day years ago as our "romantic celebration day." Whatever. just as long as I get chocolate and flowers at SOME point in the year, I'm great with it.) We ate at Cozumel and it was delicious. I highly recommend the fajita quesadillas. Wow! They have excellent guacamole. I was winding down to the lick-the-guacamole-off-the-plate stage when we got a phone call saying Honor had fallen and might need stitches. Booger. We rushed home, but the bleeding had stopped and she was okay. Nasty cut, but mostly a scrape. No stitches. She was asking for snacks, so we decided she was just fine. Mom stuck around so we could go for a walk to wrap up our date. Then chilled on the couch and had fun with the kids and the camera. More pictures to follow....at some point.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You guys are too cute, really strange, but too cute.

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