That's right, I'm your candy girl.
I really really really like my sugar. My favorite breakfast is Dr. Pepper and Reese's Peanut Butter cups. I'll settle for waffles and bacon smothered in buttery syrup. I do not have a little sensor that goes off telling me I'm full. If it's dessert....I could keep going till the whole cake was gone (provided it had frosting because really, cake is just an excuse for eating frosting.)
I started a sugar fast 3 days ago. Our whole house is actually on a sugar fast. This is something I wanted to do for our whole family's physical health. Lent is something I had been contemplating already and the two decisions coincided. I read something yesterday that strongly spoke to me. MFS of the WTM board said "Lent isn't passing on M&Ms; it's remembering Christ -- it's listening for his voice above the call of old habits, cravings, bad thinking, and all the rest." This was the most difficult thing for me to give up, and I want to use this time to focus on Christ. The whole family is grudgingly joining me because it is healthy. I'm pretty sure everyone in this house is suffering from a yeast imbalance.
There is so much information about yeast imbalance out there, and much of it is contradictory, but I will VERY BRIEFLY sum up for anyone interested. Basically, yeast is a normal little thing and it's in your gut. There are lots of other little thingies in your gut and they maintain a nice little ecology there and everyone is happy...as long as it is all in balance. When you take antibiotics, your good buggies/thingies/flora/fauna are killed as well as the regular bacteria you were aiming for. This flora is what keeps yeast in check. Without it, yeast kind of takes over and damages your gut and lots of other things. God has blessed our bodies with the ability to heal themselves, but we sure make it hard on ourselves sometimes. If you build this good flora back up, you're good to go. Flora kills yeast. On the same token, Sugar feeds yeast. If you have ever been on antibiotics, you most likely have experienced an imbalance.
Here is a short quote from an interesting article on yeast/fungus:
"Additional neurological fallout from Y/F includes ailments such as mood swings, headaches, migraines, that fogged-in-feeling, inability to concentrate, poor memory, confusion, dizziness, and even MS-like symptoms such as slurred speech and muscular incoordination."
I've had two kiddos on more than their share of antibiotics and they are my sugar-addicts. I can see some of these symptoms and others that I'm hoping to overcome for them by healing up their guts. Allergies and eczema are two other very common symptoms. An unhealthy gut can cause tears in the intestinal lining through which food particles can pass, causing a reaction from your body just doing it's job, leading to allergies and food reactions and even Crohn's disease. Eczema can benefit from extra B-vitamins, particularly Pantothenic (B5) and B6. Yeast robs your body of these vitamins, so it really only helps as long as you continue to take the extra b-vits...unless you get rid of the yeast. Anger problems, migraines, and recurring athletes foot can also be symptoms of a yeast imbalance.The book SuperImmunity for Kids covers some of this. A google search for "yeast imbalance" will give you more than you ever wanted to know.
Word to the wise....don't even ask your doctor about this. They will raise their eyebrows and ask questions like "I bet you homeschool, too, don't you?" or "Let me guess, next you're not going to vaccinate?" BUT, I did ask if there was anything WRONG with treating an imaginary-yeast-imbalance-that-couldn't-be-real-but-what-if-ya-know? And they told me it couldn't hurt anything. So, while some doctors might think it's silly, at least they say it's safe to treat.
How's that for a gross post?
You asked about bread on Jen's blog. If we were to have bread for dinner, it would be rolls, or french/italian bread, something like that. NEVER cornbread. :)
I'm totally with you on the cake/frosting thing. Icing is my favourite. We don't call it frosting here in Canada, only icing (though we know what frosting is). Do you have poutine there? Keeley split Teegan's lip open on Saturday (literally I thought there was lip left on the ice, the skin was hanging so badly!) and after we got home from the hospital we took him out for poutine - easy enough to eat, but it'd give him some protein (french fries, mozerella cheese curds and gravy).
I read SuperImmunity...because I saw it on your blog LOL. I started wondering about yeast because my entire family has all of those symptoms/problems.
I need to reread the section on yeast and see how to treat it. I can see our pediatrician rolling his eyes now!!
I honestly respect you for not eating sugar-are you not eating foods that have sugar as an ingredient as well (like bread). Wow. I am also all for eating the entire cake!!
Does getting rid of sugar solve yeast problems?
Hmmm. Never heard of this. The kids all gave up sweets for Lent and so I, in a show of maternal support, will be avoiding sweets, too. (At least while they're watching. I might sneak a bowl of ice cream after bedtime. Just a tiny bowl, though!)
I'm now going to have to look all this up and/or find a book at the library. Like I didn't have enought to do already! :-)
I've heard of this and admire you for going for it. Keep us posted on how you're doing. I'm also curios if you're avoiding things like bread that have sugar in them or naturally sugary things like fruit. Good luck!
Caralyn, I don't remember asking about bread, but my brain is fried on sugar (lol) so who knows what I was thinking. I had to google poutine and I am drooling here! That sounds heavenly! How's Teegan healing up? Will he have a sexy scar to show off to the ladies?
Christy & Grace - don't respect me, I'm dyin' here! I'm off carbs, too, for a couple weeks to help break the addiction. Afterwards, I'll add in whole grains and fruit.
Jennie - Eat the ice cream! Your baby needs it! Do not deprive her of ice cream!
I'll post more tomorrow about my game plan - it definitely takes some forethought to stick with it.
Good for you! I love that you said it's about focusing on Christ and not about the deprivation that you are putting yourself through. God speed.
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