I got a little fridge envy this weekend. Those large crisper drawers, deep doors, shiny surfaces.....I rolled it around in my mind a little bit: new fridge - pay off debt - new fridge - pay off debt....okay the debt. But next year..... sigh. My fridge doesn't seal well, so you can always feel cold air escaping. It drains suddenly and loudly, sounding like an old man peeing. It freezes veggies in the bottom right crisper drawer. But worst of all, the bottom drawers will not close symmetrically. In order for them to operate, they have to be at strange angles. I need symmetry. This bothers me more than the money escaping through the bad seals. OCD? maybe just a little.
And get a load of that limp bok choy. Bok Choy makes the perfect South Beach snack. It's nice and crispy and great for dipping into a good homemade bean dip. I'm not a big chip-eater, but when you've got the munchies, it is every bit as satisfying as eating chips and dip. The kids even love it and made a whole dinner of it last week. Not now though. That floppy stuff would NOT make a satisfying snack.
I turned the bag of bulging garbanzos into hummus and threw the cabbage away because it's been in the fridge for about 3 months. It's pretty on the outside, but there's no way it could taste good.
Why am I admitting this online?
Runt helped us drag it all out. The rest of the gang were sick. Such a helper. 
Ready for the end result? (this is so exciting isn't it?)
Here's the outside. I try to keep pictures and names on the freezer door to remind me to pray for friends and family. Each time I grab for some grub, I see my reminder. When I PMS, you get prayed for a lot. This is missing a picture of my gorgeous niece and nephew because Honor has run off with it. Again. Also missing are pictures of grandparents because I have a million and one pictures in my computer that have never been printed. You're still being prayed for, grandparents! Most people open their fridge and feel guilty about gluttony. I open my fridge and heap condemnation on myself for not printing photos.
Here is the mostly finished inside. Much better. I didn't end up throwing much away. Just a lot of shuffling. I didn't give the shelves the good scrubbing they needed, but I wiped them down. They aren't sticky or slimy any more. Baby steps.
Do you see the unbalanced drawers? Does it bother you as much as it bothers me? Maybe if I mention how much I've always wanted a stainless finish Frigidaire side-by-side, they'll send me one to review?
A girl can dream.
Jennie, I'm going to steal your cannister idea for salad. My ziploc bags get tossed around a lot and it can't be good for the spinach.
Lastly, the door. Ahhhh, much better. Sweetcheeks, himself, is solely responsible for this beautiful door. He worked hard and he worked cheerfully and he volunteered to do it without my asking. What a hunk of man.
At one point, he did get angry and throw something. It really bothered him that he couldn't group the ketchup, mustard, and relish-type items all together on the same shelf. He shuffled and reshuffled shelving to sort like-items together, but in the end, it just wasn't possible. This really bothered him. OCD? maybe just a little. And he makes fun of me for alphabetizing my spice rack. Ha!
Ready for the end result? (this is so exciting isn't it?)
So if you want added to my prayer list, send a picture :D
But obviously it must be through the mail and NOT email. If you send it via email, I'll forget to print it and end up feeling even more guilty than usual. It will haunt me every time I reach for ice cream. Don't ruin my ice cream.
But obviously it must be through the mail and NOT email. If you send it via email, I'll forget to print it and end up feeling even more guilty than usual. It will haunt me every time I reach for ice cream. Don't ruin my ice cream.
Do you see the unbalanced drawers? Does it bother you as much as it bothers me? Maybe if I mention how much I've always wanted a stainless finish Frigidaire side-by-side, they'll send me one to review?
A girl can dream.
Jennie, I'm going to steal your cannister idea for salad. My ziploc bags get tossed around a lot and it can't be good for the spinach.
At one point, he did get angry and throw something. It really bothered him that he couldn't group the ketchup, mustard, and relish-type items all together on the same shelf. He shuffled and reshuffled shelving to sort like-items together, but in the end, it just wasn't possible. This really bothered him. OCD? maybe just a little. And he makes fun of me for alphabetizing my spice rack. Ha!
Well, I've officially avoided teaching my children anything this morning and instead, rambled on about a refrigerator. I do believe I may have succesfully run off anyone left reading this blog. My readership apparently spends their time on productive things, like cleaning their house and stuff. :D
Jennie, you'll get a Foil Hat gift certificate in your inbox soon. Since I was declared a winner, too, perhaps I should order myself one...
Jennie, you'll get a Foil Hat gift certificate in your inbox soon. Since I was declared a winner, too, perhaps I should order myself one...
Oooh! I can't believe I won! But I must confess, you should keep the prize for yourself, because yours is indeed much, much worse!
You know what else I noticed? Nobody else seems to drink milk! We use between six and eight gallons a week.
I LOVE IT!!! I was so happy to see everyone's refridgerators looking as bad as mine...used to. Thursday night Clay decided he couldn't live with our filth. His words. Not mine. I swear he is pyschic.
Hey Jenn,
New refrigerator's aren't all that they are cracked up to be! We had to have our icemaker replaced in the first few months of having ours (luckily it was under warranty) and just the other night after posting my pics, it started making some strange and loud noise. Thankly, it has stopped!
Your "Fess Up" did inspire me to get mine cleaned up too!
Congrats (I think) to Jennie C.!!
Excuse the typos, LOL. That should have said "thankfully". :0)
Oh for heaven's sake! I meant to ask you about the bok choy and bean dip. That sounds yummy though I don't think I've ever had bok choy. What's it like....cabbage? And give me the recipe for a bean dip, please!
Well, how about this? I have a dirty fridge in my kitchen and an empty moldy fridge in my driveway. The sad thing is, it has been in my drive way for over a month now! Talk about white-trash. Anyhow, it does work. So if any of you with broken fridges want to come to NY to get it, it's yours... mold and all :)
Jenn, what is Kimchi?
Ahhh - it's such a relief to know I'm not alone.
I think bok choy is some kind of a cabbage - but when fresh, it's really nice and crispy - like a celery without the strings. I'll share the recipe for that bean dip soon - it's REALLY good.
Misty - the Kimchi is the spicy stuff Aunt Kumcha makes with bulgogi sometimes. It's fermented cabbage....mmmmmm. Doesn't it just sound disgusting? It's spicy and yummy and sugar free.
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