Today, we're working on our Chocolate Lapbook. Mmmmmm. We're eating chocolate chip cookies while we're at it and everyone is happy. For the record, I cheated and used a tube of store-brand cookie dough.
I thought I'd share a few goodies we discovered during our google searching:
First, if you've ever wondered where it comes from, here is a site describing how chocolate is made.
But where did it all begin? This site tells you the history of chocolate.
And for interesting pictures of the cacao pod, we liked this one, this one, this one for sure, and this one.
And if you are really, really, really interested in the history of chocolate, then you might enjoy this free downloadable book from Project Gutenberg.
Wow - don't you feel smarter now?
What a great chocolate lesson. I now know more about chocolate other than the fact that I really like to eat it. And I have to admit, I didn't know how to pronounce Cacao, but I do know how to pronounce Ghirardelli
Isn't it fascinating? I'm still not sure that I know how to pronounce cacao...is it kuh -CA (as in cat) -O? And ghirardellis has always intimidated me....is it geer-ar-DEL-ee? Jeer? jheer?
I just ask for that thar yummy stuff. lol.
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