With Harvest Gold marbled countertop to match.
I just noticed the safety plug-protector there beside my sink. Why? Was I worried the baby might crawl up there? Concerned that Chris might forget and try to store his keys there?
3 drawers and plenty of cabinet space underneath and yet we still leave all our stuff on the counter.
What's that? Library books? Nooo.....surely not...that'd be just...wrong...right?
Pay no attention to the post it notes on the mirror. I never do.
Rumor has it, there is such a thing as worse than harvest gold. It would be awesome if my house pictures were not the most hideous participants this time.
3 drawers and plenty of cabinet space underneath and yet we still leave all our stuff on the counter.
Pay no attention to the post it notes on the mirror. I never do.
Rumor has it, there is such a thing as worse than harvest gold. It would be awesome if my house pictures were not the most hideous participants this time.
Can't see the pictures, but I'm ROFL. Wait 'til you see the color dh picked for his bathroom.
And yes, I do believe there is a "worse than" harvest gold. It's cousin, avacado green.
OOOOHH...I can't wait for you to see mine...leopard print wallpaper...need I say more??
Just so you know, I can't see any of the pics, either, and the ones from the last post are gone now, too. I'll post my bathroom pics in a little while!
My link is up, and I love christy's leopard print wall paper. So tacky!
Mmm.....I smell a rat and I think I've been outed! LOL
Oh Lordy, must I really expose this deep dark secret of mine? We have actually talked of getting started on fixing it up this weekend.
Well...... I guess I need to go grab my camera........ (but after I finish my hot cocoa and gain some nerve).....
Bummer I can't see any of the pics Our master bath is a mess. The second sink is full of reading material, that is what it is for ... right?
I can see them now!
it looks so orderly - obviously you can't spring Fess Up Friday on yourself but does it stay like that all the time?
And what did that poor child do to deserve to be stuck in the soapdish?
Hey Jenn,
First, I'm so sorry that you are sick! ((hugs)) and prayers that you will feel better soon!
2nd, your bathroom may be harvest gold, but it's so tidy!! I'm impressed! I like harvest gold much better than the avacado green or baby powder blue (I've had that one before!). You can do such much more with the gold, in my opinion. Anyway, your bathroom looks nice!
I just added my link...found you from Jennie C's blog. Howdy!
I can't compete with leopard wallpaper, but here's my entry. Did anyone else take one unfortunate picture before they realize that they were reflected in the mirrors?
Well, we have quite a contest here this week!
That's not harvest gold! Your bathroom looks much better than I expected from the description yesterday. I think that's more of an almond color and not at all hideous harvest gold.
I'm glad to see your friends aren't all imaginary, too:o)
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