Thursday, September 18

My baby is a big girl

Yesterday, my baby girl turned five.

That's a tough one.

Five is big.

The boys and I stayed up late to draw pictures of Honor and her big girl things on a sheet. It's a tradition we used with the boys, though they barely remember it now. They wake up five, but they get to run through the sheet to enter "big kid-dom".

She loved it.

Another "hooray, you're a big kid" tradition is the gift of wheels for the 5th birthday.

She really loved that.
Please don't look at my floors. I stayed up really late and I'm too tired to crop out any ugly stuff right now.

She chose pancakes for breakfast and then helped me make cupcakes for her children's choir class at church last night. See the chocolate on her sleeves?

Following church, we went to my parents for a mini-party where she opened a bag full of fun bicycle accessories.

I love watching her open things. She delights in the process as much as the gift.

One of her gifts is a horn.
Doesn't Grandpa look ornery, here?

A very loud horn.

My baby, er, I mean Big Girl.

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Jessica said...

aw, such a big girl! the sheet idea is a good one. i may steal it. but my kids are never going to grow up. ever.

Unknown said...

What an awesome celebration. My little girl just turned 5 recently too. I agree 5 is a big one.

Anonymous said...

She is just adorable. I love your tradition of the sheet! How cool!

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