Saturday, December 20

Potty Mouth

This was a movie I remember loving when I was a kid. I was so excited to add it to my Netflix Queue and share with the kids....until I watched it with the kids. I didn't remember half of that stuff! I never even thought to look at the rating for it. Everything I could remember seemed like a great kid movie. I really built it up too, telling the kids that it was so funny they'd wet their pants laughing. Honor turned around as the opening credits began rolling to tell me that she would try not to laugh too hard because she didn't want to change her panties.

We were able to watch large portions without incident. We skipped with the remote other sections. The language, I tried to hide with my own version of bleeps. I missed a word and said very solemnly, "We don't ever say that word. It is a baaaaad word." Honor turned around and said "It's okay, Mama! I don't even know what @ss means!" I about stroked out.

And why didn't I TURN THE THING OFF? Yeah, that never even occurred to me. What is wrong with me? I had 2 sick kids and one exhausted mama, but still, you'd think it would pop into my brain as an option. Instead, I sat through it, racked with guilt that my angelic baby had said her first (please, Lord, let it be her last) cuss word.


Jennie C. said...

We watched Ghostbusters with the kids, and we got to the end, and David and I both looked at each other and said, "Well, I didn't remember THAT being in there." Lesson learned. PG in the old days was more like R. :-)

Shanna said...

Oh, Jenn, I hope you don't mind, but I had a really good belly laugh over that one.

Same thing here about not remembering the bad in old movies. Can you believe my parents let me watch Dirty Dancing over and over?! What were they thinking??

We bought the TV Guardian from a Christian bookstore a few years back and it was a WONDERFUL investment. It uses the closed captioning to detect when a cuss word is about to be spoken and causes the sound on the tv to go silent during that phrase. It works for tv and movies and is about $100, but well worth it!

Michael McMullen said...

That was so funny, I about wet myself.

Jessica said...


Joanne said...

Better they were with you than someone who doesn't love them. You can explain why it's a baaaad word. Jess showed me your Christmas card---beautiful children-all the way around. You can be proud.


Christy said...

Oh my goodness I am dying here.

I LOVE that movie and made the same mistake last year!!!! I let LG keep watching it though because I had gone on and on about how it was funny and a special movie for Mommy because of the memories...

I sat through it with my mouth open (and rapidly fast forwarding) as well.

We will try again when they are older!!

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