Saturday, December 20

We have a winner!

Congratulations, Wedogmomma! I'll be sending your package out to you soon!

I let my random number generator sleep this time since he's recovering from the stomach flu. Chris furnished me with the highest prime number he could think of under the sudden pressure I put him under. "Quick! Random number between 1 and 34! Come on! Give me a number! Quick!"



Shanna said...

Congrats wedogmomma!


I thought I'd let you know there is a site called . They have several ways to randomly generate a winner from your drawing, but I generally just assign each entry a number and use their integer generator. (I'm not sure I spelled that right...Why in the world does the blogger comment section not have spellcheck?!) Anyway you just tell them you want a number between 1 and whatever and they give you one instantly.

Of course that would take all the fun out of torturing the fam! :o)

Anonymous said...

I love how you pick your random numbers! LOL

wedogmomma said...

But Shanna....I MUST say I really prefer this method!.....
I've never won anything before!

Oh, and I almost had this movie experience with Goonies.....a PG rating from the 80s just didn't measure up to the standards we know today! Whew with the random swearing...yeah, we had to shelve that one for a LATER date!
Don't worry, your kids will laugh at YOU one day and probably remember you reactions more than they do the movie!

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