Yesterday, Honor had a chance to hang out alone with Daddy or hang out alone with Mama. She said "I like being with just you and I like being with just daddy, but I mostly like being with you AND daddy." So we postponed plans and spent a rare half hour hanging out together. Chris' computer repair waited & my grocery shopping was postponed, but it was well worth it.
As Chris and I were kissing goodbye, Honor came up and said "You know why I wanted to be with both of you together? I wanted to see your sweet kisses."
And now, I remember a parenting class we went through when Ethan was only two years old. The very first lesson said that happy, healthy children thrive seeing their parents in love and spending time together. For single moms, it was especially important for kids to see mom in prayer with God, their Father. For moms with dads overseas, it suggested mom using a picture of dad daily as she writes to him or talks to him on the phone. We've learned through the years how true this is, how much more secure our kids are when they see us spending time together. We always tried to have a designated couch time so the kids could see us spending that time, even if it was brief. When we tried making that couch time at night, for our convenience, we saw the kids missing it. With the busy-ness of everything, I didn't realize that we were again doing our alone time without the kids being able to see it. I think it's time to try to sneak something else into the schedule.
I've searched the whole computer and the most recent photo of Chris and I together is this shot from last Easter!
I realized last year that I didn't have one picture of Chad and I for the entire year of 2007. So I made sure to get some pictures of us together this year. Though I haven't taken any since last Spring either because that was right before Lily was born, and I haven't wanted anyone to take my picture since then!
Thank you for the sweet, sweet comment you left on my blog, if you hadn't seen my reply yet.
I'm so sad that your pics won't load on my computer...can Chris take mine in also...ARG!
But what a gift that Honor made those observations...
Thank you for the reminder! Family prayer time around the bed at night is always emphasized by my hubby....but I'm SO done by then...that sometimes I just go on with my chores so I can get to my ME time faster...if at all. But God placed that sweet man in my life to keep reminding me of the importance of us ALL being there together....ah, I get it Lord...the mental post-its are flying at me from every direction :)
Happy snuggling!
What sweet post!
Clay and I are the same way-we cuddle and tickle each other (well, he tickles me while I run screaming) and we go on dates not only because it is vital to our relationship but so the kids will see what a healthy, happy marriage is all about. I want my kids to know without any doubt that mommy and daddy are in love!
I love that reminder...thanks!
The pics weren't loading for me yesterday at all, but tonight I see them!! :) You two are adorable!!!
I am making an effort of getting more pics of me with my whole family, including and especially Kevin. I had to attend a funeral of a classmate recently and the very few pics of her with her daughter and husband made me so sad!
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