Saturday, August 10

Homeschool Expo

What could be a better jumpstart to your school year than a week-long Homeschool Expo filled with experienced, helpful speakers covering a variety of topics and offering free material to help you get started with a fabulous year? I'll tell you what: Attending that conference in your pajamas.

Coming up in just a couple weeks, The Old Schoolhouse Magazine is hosting a Schoolhouse Expo.

August 19-23, 2013
Schoolhouse Expo
1:00-8:00 p.m. (Eastern)
10:00-5:00 p.m. (Pacific)

The cost of the eveent is $24. This covers all of your speakers for an entire week AND recordings of their sessions after the week is over. That is incredible!

Every year, a nearby city hosts a homeschooling conference that features great speakers and shopping with fabulous vendors. But it's not always convenient to get away for two days, particularly when there are usually just a couple sessions I actually want to attend. Each year, the sessions' rooms literally get smaller and smaller. Plus, it's crawling with people! It's not for me. Tickets for that 2-day local event are the same price as this week-long Expo event. If you want recordings of the local sessions, you have to purchase them for $5 apiece. Apiece! But with the Schoolhouse Expo, recordings are free. AND you get to wear your pajamas.

Let's recap:

Local Convention
Schoolhouse Expo
Excellent Speakers
Excellent Speakers
2 days
5 days
Clothing required
Clothing optional
People unavoidable
People optional
Recordings $5 each
Recordings FREE

You can register and find out more with the link above. You can also sign up to win a FREE ticket to the Expo through the Crew Blog. I hope to see you there!

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