Friday, October 20


One day, not long after our oldest son turned two, my husband walked by the bathroom and heard him saying "Yuck! Ick! Gghuu!" Chris walked in, only to find him spitting and saying "Ewww! Poo-poo's Yucky!" We discovered later that he thought it resembled the appearance of chocolate and thought it deserved closer examination.

It was smeared all over.

Apparently, he was trying to clean his hand off by wiping it on every available surface.

You'd have to know my husband to understand why this was more than a big deal. He has tried many times to change the diapers with me, but I have seen him dry heave from the simplest of dirty diapers. If he's faking it, he's doing such a good job that it deserves the reward of exemption anyway. I wasn't home at the time, so dh was left to cleaning 2 year old, bathroom, and...."yucky poo-poo!"

This moment of reminiscing inspired by Andie


Anonymous said...

Heh. Our poor boys. Can you see it now? They'll bring home a prospective wife and we'll be bringing out not photo albums with naked tub pics, but the laptop to pull up fifteen year old blog posts!

Jennie C. said...

Yuck. Once, Rosie pooped after her tuck-in, reached in to her diaper, pulled it out and smeared it all over her bed, floor, walls, bathroom...and herself. Yucky! Then she went to sleep in it.

Jenn said...

ewww! she slept in it!!

Oh, my. My imagination is filling in the discovers her after the nap, everything crusting and turning to cement...nearly impossible to "wipe" off. EWWW!!!! Poor baby! Poor YOU!!

Anonymous said...

I finally thought of a poop story!

While I was reading aloud to the kids Kolbe kept pounding on the coffee table. After a while it sounded like he was spreading water on the table. When I looked up I realized that he had reached into his diaper and taken some poop out.

Of course I started screaming and scared the baby half to death!

Jenn said...

Ewww! I can envision the moment, too....relaxing moment on the couch, relief that the baby was staying so well entertained and not distracting from the enchanting tale....and then EWWW! Book flies in the air, kids get bounced off of mom, baby screams in fright at the sudden disturbance to his happy playtime.

I am so sorry.

Michael McMullen said...

I'm considering never having children.

Jenn said...

Oh, no! Don't let us scare you off! They have their redeeming qualities as well. Like, um, let's see.....after they turn 4, they can start to blow their noses all by themselves...

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