Tuesday, November 7

I'm one of THOSE people

I wore the dorky sticker today.

To clarify, I don't think voting is dorky. Quite the opposite. I've just never understood the need to wear the sticker. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I've secretly always wanted to say to sticker wearers: "Good for you...want a lollipop?" It makes me think of the Smiley Face stickers that Wal-Mart gives to your children when you enter the store. Who wants a sticker that shouts "I've been to Wal-Mart?" Why don't you just wear a sticker shouting "I want 5 year old Indonesian girls to take your dad's pension" while you're at it?

But they're kids. And it's sticky. So it's cool. I have one that wears the sticker on the forehead. Can you guess which one? The NINE year old! He loved stickers until he was about 4 and then he was suddenly too cool for stickers. Now, at NINE, stickers on the face are suddenly cool.

Anyway, back to my sticker. I really did my research this time. My naivete was shattered (this has been a trend this year) where politics are concerned. Reading Amendment 2 sounds so simple and clear, almost like a good thing. But digging deeper, I realized it was not a good thing. I wouldn't have noticed if it had not been pointed out to me. So I began to wonder...what else might be worded deceptively? What else should I question? Cigarette tax? Well, cigarettes are bad so who cares if smokers have to pay a little extra tax...wait, where is that money going? Where has the money gone in the past? Did it go where they said it was going to go? no. Any guarantee it will go where they say it's going this time? no. Tax breaks for veteran organizations? That sounds very reasonable. Wait...isn't the bar over there a veteran organization? Wait! Aren't all the bars in town considered veteran organizations?? hmmmm.

I was purty proud of myself for trying to make a difference. I wanted a sticker, cuz I earned a sticker. But mostly because I wanted to wear a good reminder for anyone who might have forgotten that today was Tuesday. So I voted. And they didn't give me a sticker. The stupid sticker that I've always thought was silly....I had to go ask for one. The little old lady looked at me funny, and I could hear her thinking "You need a sticker for affirmation? Good for you...want a lollipop, too?" But she gave it to me and I wore it proudly.


Anonymous said...

From one dork sticker wearer to another... I wear the sticker because there are those who think it is their civic duty to question me to the core, starting with have you voted??? In the words of Barney Fife, Nip It, Nip it in the bud. A sticker does that for me.

Anonymous said...

LOL! I can just see you going up and asking for your sticker. I love it!! :0)

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