Wednesday, January 10

Still alive

We've been hitting the books hard this week, so blogging has been set aside. But prior to Monday, I got to read!

Here's what I've got so far:

A Woman's Place.
Good book, not great. It makes you laugh, it makes you cry, but it was a bit fluffy. I thought it was a bit feminist side, though I'd have been tempted to respond in the same manner as the characters. Well, not exactly. If I thought my husband was screwing around, I assure you I would retaliate more creatively than becoming an electrician. Hack physician, maybe. Still, it had a beautiful lesson in forgiveness. Also, a line from it keeps coming back to me for some reason. A man asked "If you don't believe in God, then why are you so mad at Him?"

Thirteenth Tale.
I don't know. It was soooooo well written. It was an edge of the seat, stay up till 3a.m. to finish book. But, like all modern novels, it had to have some incest in there somewhere. Why do they have to do this???? And why don't they hint that this subject matter will come up before you get hooked? The "section" was relatively brief and did explain other elements of the story. But that stuff gives me the heeby-jeebies.

Super Immunity for Kids
Excellent. Must-Read for anyone with kids, babies, pregnancies, or dreams of someday having babies. Heck, it's even good to learn about adult nutrition. I've been researching nutrition heavily this past year and this book tied up many loose ends for me. If you have any questions about EFA's or eczema, this is a great book.

Right now, I'm in the middle of:

Money Makeover
Good. R-E-P-E-T-I-T-I-V-E, but with the promise of being totally worth it.

The Chosen
Excellent book. Totally draws you into the characters. The storyline is relatively simple, but you feel like you're in it. I'm only able to read it in little snatches now that school is up and running and every time I pick it up, I'm instantly transported back into the story. But keep in mind, I'm only halfway through it, so there is always the possibility that someone will try something stupid, like sleeping with their brother or something. But I doubt it. Also, it shares interesting info about Jewish culture and history.

Unicorns are Real
I can't get into that at all. The picture of the author on the back totally ruins it for me. It is FULL of great techniques for teaching your child using different methods so that it will stick with them. But I can't get into it. It just feels like more info I will collect and never use. While helpful, I don't feel it's absolutely necessary to run down the learning style trail. For us, it is enough to recognize the learning styles and keep them the back of my head. I doubt I'll hear one of them tell me one day that their prison record is my fault because I failed to take full advantage of his kinesthetic processing needs. If he tries it, I'll tell him to get over it.

Totally not book related:
I'm loving my morning devotionals! It makes such a huge difference just to have a routine. I'm getting up every morning and doing my "Becoming" bible study and reading my "bible-in-a-year" study. I love this. It sets the tone for the rest of the day. I'm sticking to it and it is affecting every other area of my life.

I just can't do the Fly-lady emails. I can't do the Fly-lady pats on the back. Just give me a list and put me to work. So I sat down with the list of baby steps and wrote out a post-it note for each "step" that I felt was useful. I'm adding one in each day and sticking it on my bathroom mirror.

So there's me this week :)


Jennie C. said...

yup, all those flylady "encouraging" emails are really, really annoying. Try large family logistics instead. None of the badly written flymails, but a similar system of working your way through the house.

Jennifer in MS said...

Wow you get through a lot of books fast! Do you finish one before you start another or have several going at once?
I've read ONE book (besides what I read to my kids) since New Years, and it wasn't anything too long. And it's the first book I've read in a while. I need to pick up the pace!
I detested the amount of Flylady emails I got. I agree, just tell me what to do and quit cluttering my email box!

Jenn said...

Jennie - thank you! I'll look into the lglogistics.

Jennifer - I've always got more than one going. I'm too moody to stick with one book at a time. Sometimes I'm in an intellectual mood (bwahaha - yeah, right) and sometimes I'm in a sappy mood. Sometimes comic, sometimes sad...different books for different hours of the day. I've just finished the 3 since New Year's and I had started A Woman's Place before New Year's. Don't be impressed. The only reason I have more than one read so far is that #1: I started one book early, #2. The Thirteenth Tale was a must finish in 2 days or it will drive me nuts wondering what's going on kind of book, and #3. The other one was due back at the library and if I didn't read it RIGHT NOW, I wouldn't get to read it at all. Turned out, it was one of those books that was so good, I'll have to buy it. I love books, but I don't have them in the budget at the moment, so very few books get purchased.

So, what did you read? Did you like it? I had a hard time getting books read last year, too. But I love to read! I just don't make it a priority anymore. There are so many things that need done and I'm already feeling like the kids don't get enough one-on-one attention....I feel guilty if I take my free time to read a book and ignore them for a while. But they need to see me reading, right? I'm not sure what the right thing is here, but I don't think I'll be able to read a whole lot this year either. Someday. Someday there will be lots and lots of time for books and I'll wish I had little toddlers tugging on my legs instead.

Jennifer in MS said...

Hey Jenn,
LOL about you reading several at once!

I read a book that our associate pastor just wrote called Opportunity Knocks. It's about making the most out of bad situations, how God is in control....that kind of them.

I need to get us to the library and get some cards. I just haven't made that a priority since moving back. I ordered a Sonlight Core package this year, so we've had plenty of books for the girls. I'm the one needing something to read. Heck, even my husband will be reading one a month! Maybe when my scrapbooks are caught up......

Anonymous said...

I've done something daring and have gone "hey-you-clean-that-sty" email-free for the time being.

No LFL, no FLYlady, no one bossin' me! So THERE.

I should be ashamed to admit what working, but HA! I'm not. I gave the girls an Official Written Down cleaning schedule. Daily after lunch cleaning chores that were designed with my cleaning schedule. So now I really *can't* skip cleaning the upstairs bathroom if Lydia is doing all the upstairs doorknobs and baseboards and Madeline is cleaning HER upstairs bathroom. Sad what motivates me, but's working!


I like your thoughts on Unicorns... I've tried to read things like that before and I just can't "get into" it. I think it's because our instruction when homeschooling is very individualized to begin with. I so naturally adapt my presentation (even of the same subject matter) with each kid that setting out to do it X way with Maddie and Z way with Lydia feels forced and silly. Maybe I'm just a born teacher and don't need no book. *snort*

Whew! I just wrote a book, though!

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