Mwahahahahaha....are you ready?
An exciting chance to share your real self with the world and possibly to be inspired to tackle something that gets brushed aside. Something about posting stuff on the internet makes it suddenly unbearable to NOT fix it. Yeah, I need sick incentives like that sometimes.
Today, allow me to share with you my cute, little girly purse.

It is just big enough to cram a billfold, a pen, and tons of little index cards scribbled with my messy thoughts.
But this girly purse is almost always carried inside this diaper bag.

It would be more practical to just cram the billfold into the diaper bag and stop using the purse as the middle man, but it's a matter of principle. I do not want to give up the idea of being a woman able to get away with just a little girly purse. So I look like an idiot at the check-out line instead.
Inside of the diaper bag (which, okay, I admit is really my giant mom purse,) it's a whole different story.

It's dark and scary in there. This purse contains ridiculous things. I don't know why they are there. I don't even know how half of it got there. Lots of "Here, mom, hold this!" goin' on with this purse. I have a notebook for jotting down messy thoughts, a glove (just one and it's not mine,) a stuffed mouse, a tide-to-go pen, a packet of McDonald's Honey Mustard sauce, ooh, wait! another glove, a bunch of index cards, 2 candy canes, 7 pens, 3 lipsticks, 2 hair ties, 3 hair clippies, 2 sharpie markers, and a jar of Peace & Calming Essential Oil by YoungLiving. Oh, yeah. And diapers. No wipies. How helpful is that?
Are you ready? Are you willing? Come on, let it all hang out......

I cleaned that scummy soap thing for nuthin'!
Will get pics during naptime. Love your diaper bag, btw.
Hey Jenn,
I'm participating this week! I've got my purse on my blog!
I LOL about you carrying your little purse inside your diaper bag! I honestly think it's a good idea so when you do run to the store without the kiddos, you can just grab your purse and not carrying a diaper bag!
The purse! I should have known. At least our concern has us cleaning house in anticipation! My post is up.
PS: You really get to know people, looking in all their dark corners, don't you?
I did it. And I feel like the big swarthy girl with her homemade hot lunch wanting to sit with the cute blondes in "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" thank you very much.
Since I'm not currently blogging, I'll have to go with the list. ;) Note that I have the same tote-bag-cum-purse-carrier thang going, as well. So, voilá the contents of said tote bag:
~fleece gloves (leopard print)
~Games magazine and World of Puzzles magazine(each with a pen tucked inside)
~Two Wordspin games that are gathering crumbs
~My little orange Bible
~Someone's socks (laundered status unknown)
~Lip balm
~3 lipsticks
~A 2" wad of receipts from a quick purse cleanup
~Junk mail from two weeks ago *at least*
~An empty bag of almonds
~Two loose gel pens
~A Matchbox car for Otto
~Two striped notebooks
~Three dull pencils
~Nearly all of January's church bulletins
~An Lands'End catalog from *before* Christmas
~A Motherwear catalog
~Bobby pins
~Shea butter from The Foil Hat!)
~Various bits of paper and plastic from pocketless children
OK, that's about it. Nothing terribly exciting, I suppose, but it is way more than I ought to carry.
And whatever shall I use when #4 arrives? A *wheelbarrow*?! :D
Ciao for now.
Deb: GestatingAmazonianPixieNerd
I posted a link too :) This was a great idea!
Hey! My soap prize came in the mail today! It's lovely, and it came with a sample bath tea. I don't know what bath tea is, but I'm looking forward to finding out. Thanks, Jenn!
I think they are both cute! I carry a purse and a diaper bag, but only because I can never be sure either one is fully stocked. They are both full of J.U.N.K. and lots of trash.
Ebay! It's a handmade ebay store, but I don't think she's on there anymore. There are many other similar bags on there though all the time. Fun stuff!
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