Wednesday, November 26


I stole the idea from one of you....who was it? Ginger? Lawanda? I forgot which blog it was. I was just so excited when I saw it that I ran off to do the same project and I want to give credit to the owner, so please speak up and I'll edit this post with a proper link! Anyway, all that to say......we made turkey cookies with friends and it was FUN!

(a pinocchio cookie by Ethan)

Ethan, concentrating very hard.

Sarah, in the background of every shot, stuffing her face. Out of the two plates of cookies, Sarah only completed one.

You know, oddly enough, we had the hardest time giving these away to our neighbors. Perhaps they spied the kids licking their fingers in between each candy application. I didn't eat any either.

My friend Judy obliged Honor by squirting frosting into her mouth. When satisfied, Honor quickly turned her head away, leaving a trail of frosting to fall upon her face, ear and hair. Too many commas....someone more grammatically qualified please advise.

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Ginger said...

Aren't those turkeys too cute?? Yes, I made them (and didn't eat any either!) but the idea came from my friend Jodi. She gets the credit for the creativity. :) And she was featured on Crafty Crows for them.

Anonymous said...

I was gonna say, it wasn't me! Those are ADORABLE!!! I only WISH I was that cool!!! haha

I am so ROFLOL here, because of the icing in the hair and the icing-licking mental picture I got from this post! hahaha Maybe it was easy for me cuz I have seen it so many times before!

And about the commas, I think it would be fine if you took the comma out from in front of the word "leaving" but maybe that's just me....Cuz I would add one before "and hair" - and most people would not do that. :-p

Btw, I know I say this repeatedly, but only cuz it is true: You have incredibly adorable kids. :)

Jenn said...

Ack! Lawanda, you're right! I HATE it when people leave the 2nd comma out in a series....and I just did it!

Ginger thank you for sharing the awesome idea. It was so much fun!

Lawanda, you are in the middle of a kitchen remodel. There are books written about how to save your marriage in the midst of kitchen remodels. If you were able to pull off fun, crafty projects in the middle of such an endeavor, I would build a statue in your honor and attempt to pattern the rest of my life after you.

Shanna said...

Those are so cute! I wanted to take pictures of my Pilgrim Hat cookies, but my camera was out of batteries while we were making them. By the time I remembered on Thanksgiving, they were gone. :o(

RichandMarsha said...

Too cute!!!

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